
2019 Asia Pacific Social Enterprise Summit 亞太社企高峰會
亞太社企高峰會 Asia Pacific Social Enterprise Summit
Asia Pacific Social Enterprise Summit (APSES) is one of the significant summits on social enterprise across Asia Pacific region. It is firstly initiated by the public-private-partnership in 2018 as to advocate social entrepreneurship and social innovation and promote “Taiwan';s heartwarming power” and that matches to newly announced “Social Innovation Action Plan” for the next 5 years. APSES is established for the purpose of helping Taiwan’s social innovation ecosystem grow and to show the world that Taiwan has the ability and willingness to help solve global problems, and most of all, achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) together with actors from across sectors.
Every year, APSES invites organizations and representatives from the civil society, the corporates, and the government to co-organize the flagship summit; and welcomes 1,200 social entrepreneurs, change makers and representatives from all walks of life to attend, meet, collaborate and exchange ideas and experiences.
啟動亞洲 Activate Asia
Diverse culture and innovative DNA are something unique in Asia, which leads the local momentum and creates impact across the globe. Seamlessly, development of social enterprise in Asia is similar to its context. Though the concept and idea of social entrepreneurship wasn’t adopted early in Asia and many models were copied from Europe and the USA, it is now a trendy term and more developed business model due to the support of local government and ecosystem.
Asia Pacific Social Enterprise Summit is an annual gathering for like-minded people with purpose to share common value, network, dialogue and sparks innovative ideas and solutions to the most pressing challenges across the region. We aim to “activate” the hidden energy and unleash the potential of social enterprises in Asia. We activate, innovate and elevate the power of diversity, creativity and inclusiveness, as to build a stronger “ecosystem for social enterprises in Asia,” from infrastructure, incubation, acceleration, marketing and sales channels to regional collaboration network.
Let’s activate to build a better future together!