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Money Does Grow on Trees: Green Leaves to Greenbacks
After Kamikatsu’s cash crops were devastated by a harsh cold front during the 1980s, Tomoji Yokoishi headed the effort to turn over a new leaf and found hope for the town in the surrounding mountains.
Community development / Community revitalization / Japan / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth / GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality / GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Lambeth: City with Boundless Dreams
In 2010, Lambeth proposed the concept of a Cooperative Council which invites public participation to make the city better. The Open Works is a live prototype of mass participation in creating a network to transform their neighborhood.
Community development / Community revitalization / United Kingdom / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth / GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure / GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities / GOAL 13: Climate Action
A Base for Indigenous Organic Farming
Pangcah Organic Farm is the first certified organic farm in Guangfu Township. The Indigenous Persons Sustainable Agriculture Society develops and promotes organic farming by providing employment to disadvantaged women and indigenous people. The Society also generates profit by selling organic vegetables and promotes the wild vegetable culture of the Amis people.
Indigenous / Community development / Vulnerable group / MEPP / Community revitalization / GOAL 2: Zero Hunger / GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities / GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
A Happy Countryside— Making Fengtian a Model of Environmental Education
The Hualian County Nou-Li InterCommunity Association is engaged in the promotion of local employment and care for the elderly and youth. Shoufeng Sweet Home Empowerment Center combines resources from various sectors, trying to build Fengtian into a model of environmental education.
Sustainable / Counseling / Employment assistance / Community development / MEPP / Community revitalization / GOAL 4: Quality Education / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth / GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities / GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
Transformation for Greater Value; Longan Becomes into the Local Star
Situated in Zhongliao Nantou, the Long-Yan-Lin Community was one of the areas that were hit the hardest in the 921 earthquake. During the earliest relief activities, almost all the relief efforts were allocated to the southern Zhongliao, but people living in the Long-Yan-Lin Community in northern Zhongliao realized that they had to have an organization representing their community to find supports from the outside world.
Community development / MEPP / Community revitalization / Association / GOAL 1: No Poverty / GOAL 2: Zero Hunger / GOAL 4: Quality Education / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
The Mark of Time— Persimmon Dye: A Stage to Make Dreams Come True
The Hsinchu County Persimmon Dye Cultural Association endeavors to promote local culture, pass down local crafts and develop local talents. It explores new resources from existing elements, developing and promoting the persimmon dye industry through research, training, and creative products.
Culture / Community development / Traditional Workmanship / Community revitalization / Association / GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure / GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Money Does Grow on Trees: Green Leaves to Greenbacks
After Kamikatsu’s cash crops were devastated by a harsh cold front during the 1980s, Tomoji Yokoishi headed the effort to turn over a new leaf and found hope for the town in the surrounding mountains.
Community development / Community revitalization / Japan / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth / GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality / GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Lambeth: City with Boundless Dreams
In 2010, Lambeth proposed the concept of a Cooperative Council which invites public participation to make the city better. The Open Works is a live prototype of mass participation in creating a network to transform their neighborhood.
Community development / Community revitalization / United Kingdom / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth / GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure / GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities / GOAL 13: Climate Action
A Base for Indigenous Organic Farming
Pangcah Organic Farm is the first certified organic farm in Guangfu Township. The Indigenous Persons Sustainable Agriculture Society develops and promotes organic farming by providing employment to disadvantaged women and indigenous people. The Society also generates profit by selling organic vegetables and promotes the wild vegetable culture of the Amis people.
Indigenous / Community development / Vulnerable group / MEPP / Community revitalization / GOAL 2: Zero Hunger / GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities / GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
A Happy Countryside— Making Fengtian a Model of Environmental Education
The Hualian County Nou-Li InterCommunity Association is engaged in the promotion of local employment and care for the elderly and youth. Shoufeng Sweet Home Empowerment Center combines resources from various sectors, trying to build Fengtian into a model of environmental education.
Sustainable / Counseling / Employment assistance / Community development / MEPP / Community revitalization / GOAL 4: Quality Education / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth / GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities / GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
Transformation for Greater Value; Longan Becomes into the Local Star
Situated in Zhongliao Nantou, the Long-Yan-Lin Community was one of the areas that were hit the hardest in the 921 earthquake. During the earliest relief activities, almost all the relief efforts were allocated to the southern Zhongliao, but people living in the Long-Yan-Lin Community in northern Zhongliao realized that they had to have an organization representing their community to find supports from the outside world.
Community development / MEPP / Community revitalization / Association / GOAL 1: No Poverty / GOAL 2: Zero Hunger / GOAL 4: Quality Education / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
The Mark of Time— Persimmon Dye: A Stage to Make Dreams Come True
The Hsinchu County Persimmon Dye Cultural Association endeavors to promote local culture, pass down local crafts and develop local talents. It explores new resources from existing elements, developing and promoting the persimmon dye industry through research, training, and creative products.
Culture / Community development / Traditional Workmanship / Community revitalization / Association / GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure / GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities