Social enterprise
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Rebirth of Wheat Fields in Taiwan
Rejoice integrated up- and downstream processes and introduced new brands such as “Rejoice Wheat”, “Rejoice Soybean Task Force”, and “Rejoice Grain Club” together with its previously marketed wheat. Featured products such as noodles, soy sauce, and sesame paste are sold via various channels.
Sustainable / Employment assistance / Vulnerable group / Traditional Workmanship / Social enterprise / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
UK Social Enterprise Report: BIS & OCS
BIS is in charge of economic development affairs in the UK, including overall economic development, business, consumer rights, employment, EU affairs, extended education and skills (training), higher education (like our Department of Higher Education), law reform, technology & innovation as well as trade and investment.
Social investment / Social economy / Employment assistance / Enterprise development / International Case Study / United Kingdom / Social enterprise / Youth entrepreneur / GOAL 4: Quality Education / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Rebirth of Wheat Fields in Taiwan
Rejoice integrated up- and downstream processes and introduced new brands such as “Rejoice Wheat”, “Rejoice Soybean Task Force”, and “Rejoice Grain Club” together with its previously marketed wheat. Featured products such as noodles, soy sauce, and sesame paste are sold via various channels.
Sustainable / Employment assistance / Vulnerable group / Traditional Workmanship / Social enterprise / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
UK Social Enterprise Report: BIS & OCS
BIS is in charge of economic development affairs in the UK, including overall economic development, business, consumer rights, employment, EU affairs, extended education and skills (training), higher education (like our Department of Higher Education), law reform, technology & innovation as well as trade and investment.
Social investment / Social economy / Employment assistance / Enterprise development / International Case Study / United Kingdom / Social enterprise / Youth entrepreneur / GOAL 4: Quality Education / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth