Social investment
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UK Social Enterprise Report: The Big Issue Invest
To encourage charity organizations and businesses to join the ranks of social reform to eradicate poverty together and help social enterprises to grow, TBI established its investment-oriented subsidiary: The Big Issue Invest.
Social investment / Vulnerable group / United Kingdom / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
UK Social Enterprise Report: SEUK
SEUK is a national social enterprise intermediary organization in the UK with over 700 members consisting of social enterprises, private businesses, charity organizations and public welfare organizations that support SEUK’s vision of using social enterprise to conduct business.
Social investment / Social economy / United Kingdom / Social enterprise / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Join Our Core: Inspire the strength to change the world with ice cream
Ben and Jerry hoped to foster their local community's prosperity and expand positive influence through selling ice cream.
Social investment / USA / Youth entrepreneur / GOAL 2: Zero Hunger / GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth / GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality / GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
With a swish and flick “Very Mulan” uses investments to create social enterprises
There are even more meaningful contributions than regular donations to NPOs. Zhang therefore established “Very Mulan” with an investment of NTD50 million and invited friends from various industries to serve as advisers.
Social investment / Employment assistance / Youth entrepreneur / GOAL 5: Gender Equality / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
UK Social Enterprise Report: BIS & OCS
BIS is in charge of economic development affairs in the UK, including overall economic development, business, consumer rights, employment, EU affairs, extended education and skills (training), higher education (like our Department of Higher Education), law reform, technology & innovation as well as trade and investment.
Social investment / Social economy / Employment assistance / Enterprise development / International Case Study / United Kingdom / Social enterprise / Youth entrepreneur / GOAL 4: Quality Education / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
UK Social Enterprise Report: The Big Issue Invest
To encourage charity organizations and businesses to join the ranks of social reform to eradicate poverty together and help social enterprises to grow, TBI established its investment-oriented subsidiary: The Big Issue Invest.
Social investment / Vulnerable group / United Kingdom / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
UK Social Enterprise Report: SEUK
SEUK is a national social enterprise intermediary organization in the UK with over 700 members consisting of social enterprises, private businesses, charity organizations and public welfare organizations that support SEUK’s vision of using social enterprise to conduct business.
Social investment / Social economy / United Kingdom / Social enterprise / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Join Our Core: Inspire the strength to change the world with ice cream
Ben and Jerry hoped to foster their local community's prosperity and expand positive influence through selling ice cream.
Social investment / USA / Youth entrepreneur / GOAL 2: Zero Hunger / GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth / GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality / GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
With a swish and flick “Very Mulan” uses investments to create social enterprises
There are even more meaningful contributions than regular donations to NPOs. Zhang therefore established “Very Mulan” with an investment of NTD50 million and invited friends from various industries to serve as advisers.
Social investment / Employment assistance / Youth entrepreneur / GOAL 5: Gender Equality / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
UK Social Enterprise Report: BIS & OCS
BIS is in charge of economic development affairs in the UK, including overall economic development, business, consumer rights, employment, EU affairs, extended education and skills (training), higher education (like our Department of Higher Education), law reform, technology & innovation as well as trade and investment.
Social investment / Social economy / Employment assistance / Enterprise development / International Case Study / United Kingdom / Social enterprise / Youth entrepreneur / GOAL 4: Quality Education / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth