GOAL 5: Gender Equality
GOAL 5: Gender Equality
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Tag:GOAL 5: Gender Equality
Sketch and Carry Out, We Enrich Your Life
Founded on 23rd November 2013, Yilan County Family Care Association aims to assist single parents. They associate various resources. Its focus on serving the disadvantaged females, provide emergency support, consulting guidance, employment, legal advice, rent subsidy, and accompanying assistance for families with growing children. The Association earned its reputation out of its social services.
MEPP / GOAL 1: No Poverty / GOAL 5: Gender Equality / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth / GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
The Values of Immigrant Women
Established in 2003, TASAT was formerly known as the Mandarin Literacy Class for foreign brides in Kaohsiung City. In addition to teaching mandarin in Mandarin Literacy Class, liberating education and empowerment programs were also available.
GOAL 4: Quality Education / GOAL 5: Gender Equality / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
With a swish and flick “Very Mulan” uses investments to create social enterprises
There are even more meaningful contributions than regular donations to NPOs. Zhang therefore established “Very Mulan” with an investment of NTD50 million and invited friends from various industries to serve as advisers.
Social investment / Employment assistance / Youth entrepreneur / GOAL 5: Gender Equality / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Sketch and Carry Out, We Enrich Your Life
Founded on 23rd November 2013, Yilan County Family Care Association aims to assist single parents. They associate various resources. Its focus on serving the disadvantaged females, provide emergency support, consulting guidance, employment, legal advice, rent subsidy, and accompanying assistance for families with growing children. The Association earned its reputation out of its social services.
MEPP / GOAL 1: No Poverty / GOAL 5: Gender Equality / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth / GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
The Values of Immigrant Women
Established in 2003, TASAT was formerly known as the Mandarin Literacy Class for foreign brides in Kaohsiung City. In addition to teaching mandarin in Mandarin Literacy Class, liberating education and empowerment programs were also available.
GOAL 4: Quality Education / GOAL 5: Gender Equality / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
With a swish and flick “Very Mulan” uses investments to create social enterprises
There are even more meaningful contributions than regular donations to NPOs. Zhang therefore established “Very Mulan” with an investment of NTD50 million and invited friends from various industries to serve as advisers.
Social investment / Employment assistance / Youth entrepreneur / GOAL 5: Gender Equality / GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth